Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Prom Magazines - Your friend

If we list out our tips and strategies for success, this tip ranks right at number 2.

Do you have the prom magazines in your store? Do you have them where the girls, the girls moms and the boys can browse through them?

These are a critical part of your prom set up and display in your store and here is the best way to you use them. When the young lady or the girls mom comes into the store, ask them to take a couple of minutes to look through the magazines and see if they can find their prom dress in the magazines.

When you come back over to them, ask her to show you the dress, at this point, they have given you a pretty good idea of their corsage budget. If the girl has spent a few hundred dollars on a dress, I would suggest starting their corsage at a higher price than normal. Also, in reverse, if the girl show you a dress that is not as expensive, I would suggest not starting the price of the corsage at a high price.

Keep in mind, in every school there are girls who family is more financially able to afford a higher price corsage and in many times is expecting to pay more of a nicer, one of kind corsage.

Another advantage of the prom magazines for you is to help provide a little inspiration. Try this little exercise, take one of the prom magazines, open it up to a dress and say to yourself; "what would be the perfect corsage to match this dress?" This little exercise will cause your creative side to explode with new ideas and on top of that, it is a very fun exercise.

So, for those who are asking, where do I find a prom magazine, check the local bookstores, Borders, Barnes and Noble and many grocery stores carry them near the check out.

These are very inexpensive tools that can really help you to predict the girls budget and provide new inspiration for your design ideas.

Until next time......

Monday, March 23, 2009

LOOK!! A contest!!

We all love a good contest. Now we get to host one. First, let's talk about the prize.

We will be giving away 3 of our bracelet display racks. These racks work great! They look great with Prom bracelet displayed on them. The black finish really sets off the jewelry feel with them. Here is a picture of one. I just love these things! Click here to go to our website to order one for yourself.

So, here is the contest part. We would like to see the BEST Prom Display in the WORLD!!!!!

So the rules are simple.
Email one picture of your Prom display to us at:
We will accept images starting today until 4/3/2009.

We will narrow it down to the top 10 displays based on originality, creativity, and uniqueness.

We will post the images on the site on 4/5/2009.

Voting will take place from 4/5-4/12/2009

We will announce the winners on 4/15/2009

The prize for the TOP THREE displays will be one of these great display racks!

Good Luck and I look forward to seeing all the AWESOME ideas!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Unique Prom Pieces

There are 2 unique designs that we hear a lot about at prom time, and I guess this is just a reminder not to forget them this year.

The 2 designs are anklets and "over the shoulder".

Sometimes we only think about corsages and boutonnieres. What other signature pieces can you create that will be a lot of fun to make and at the same time will really show off the skill of your shop.

We all have those special customers who really want something different. Now is the time to think about your unique ideas, have them available for the girls to see, include them in your shop display and talk them up to the girls.

This might be a good time to gather your staff and see what creative ideas you can come up with together. Maybe you could name them after the staff member who comes up with the unique style.

Here are some other things we hear about:

Shimmerzz on the bare back
Head piece

Have fun with this and see what you can do creative with your staff, your store and your customers.

Until next time.....

Store Display

I am sure you have the same scenario most shops do. Someone comes in and you ask them "Can help you" and they respond, "no thanks, just looking"

To us these words are key! If they are going to just look - make sure they have something to look at - create a beautiful prom display in your store.

I always suggest florists look at Prom as a season, not just as a day. In the same way you have a Valentine, Easter, Mother's Day, Fall and Christmas display - may I suggest you also have a prom display.

In your display we suggest, this year's prom magazines, a display board of your corsages, boutonnieres, bling and other add ons. Here is your chance to really show off your skills. Create some unique designs and give them names - this will help them identify the style they like best.

This is a good place to begin to work with other vendors - Tux, Dress, Limo, Hair, Nails, etc. Show your bout on a tux from the tux company, have a dress to help create the mood.

Find that unique place in your store and create a beautiful display. Actually, I would really like to see some of your displays. Send me some pictures at service@creationsbyfitzdesign.com

Maybe we should have a contest.

Until next time.....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Share your perspective with the school....

This is an easy post for me. I want to share with you the success of a florist in Carlise, Ohio who was turned away from her school when she asked about coming to sell corsages at the school.

This next portion was written by Barb Williams the owner of The Flower Cart. Be sure to read to the end, her last line has a very unique perspective and before I forget, thanks Barb for sharing......

"I called the high school principal to ask permission to come onto school grounds during the lunch hour to set up a floral prom display and take orders for the kids’ corsages and boutonnieres. Our principal was kind, but firm, in his stating that he couldn't’t allow one vendor to come in unless he allowed everyone who asked. So many vendors (tuxes, dresses, limos, etc.) would want in that it would create mayhem so his solution was to make it an across-the-board “no”. I was disappointed, but also a little miffed because our shop is generous with donations to the schools, primarily through academics, arts, and athletics. I felt like I had been “good” to all the organizations, clubs, extra-curricular activities, etc., but I was being denied an opportunity to promote my business.

I filtered through my last year of donations and obtained the amount that had been contributed to groups that benefited the high school age crowd. I went back to the principal and asked if he would reconsider. He started to explain, again, that if he let me, he would have to open it to everyone. I told him that if the other vendors had invested as much into our community as my flower shop had, he should be welcoming them in!

That did it – he saw the value in creating win-win situations with local businesses. We set up our booth during the lunch hour and took orders. Some students did not order from us right then, but took information and came into the shop later when they could browse longer. Another win-win situation!

So, remember, “no” might not mean no. It might mean that you have to give someone a great reason to say “yes”!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

School Fund Raisers - a hidden secret

Today, I would like to share both a tip and a testimonial with you. We have learned over the years that the best way to sell more corsages and also to increase your average sale is to go and sell corsages directly at the school.

This strategy has been proven year after year to generate great success.

We do know that some schools have a policy of not allowing businesses to come to the schools and sell their items. For this we have a very successful strategy.

The answer is to have a Fund Raiser in connection with the school. Every school is trying to raise money for something - if you have children - you know this first hand and you also know it from all the students who come to see you and ask you to contribute to their cause.

Every school sells magazines and candy to raise money, they are all looking for something unique to do which will help them raise money for their special project.

If you know your school - then you know which groups are constantly raising money to go somewhere, to build something new, or a charitable cause. In our school it is the school band - our band has been a lot places to play, Macy's Thanksgivng Day Parade, Disney, London, just to name a few. Do you what the groups are in your schools?

If not, that is OK, here is an easy way to find out - call the school and ask them who is raising money right now. Then ask them how you can get connected with this group and then share your proposal with them.

I hear over and over how successful this concept works. In some cases florists tell me that when they changed to doing fund raisers their business grew even more and created a very strong loyalty from both the faculty and the students at the school.

Here is a testimonial from Anne in Massachusetts about her fund raiser last year and her plans to expand for this year.

Last year we offered a special to a local private HS. if they mentioned the school when placing the order we would give back $1.50 for each corsage and .75 on each bout. We got all the kids and the prom decoration order as well. WE have even started to offer it this year to area schools.

Two more points - Anne's success goes to our point of being sure you have a plan - she does and is succeeding with it. Also, give it a try - it does work. If the school turns down your suggestion, keep thinking of how you can get involved and I am sure you will create a unique strategy that works for you also.

Until next time.......

Monday, March 16, 2009

Inspiration From Florists for Prom

I regularly check in on Flower Chat and today I was inspired by some great testimonials of success by florists.

All of these are things we teach, but, it sounds so much better when it comes from florists like yourself.

Let me take a few moments to share some of these great successes with you.

The first one comes from a florist in Columbus, Ohio and how she uses both a young girl and facebook to generate a lot of orders, not just some orders, but a lot of orders.

Here is her testimonial:

"I hire one girl from the local school each year. I had her put my offers of corsages and pictures on her facebook and myspace pages. WOW! What a turnaround on an investment of two hours of my time at night taking photos and creating a small post for her to put up! I garnered 300 last year!"

This is her next tip about creating what we call Prom Ambassadors

"I also offered specials that anyone who brought me 10 more customers would get a free corsage. I created a board and had them put their names up. Any time someone referred them we would put up a mark. "

This next florist is from Iowa and she shares what we call Signature Corsages

"I came up with a new price board this year. I created fun titles like
The Girl Next Door
The Diva, The Over Achiever
The Prom Queen
The Rebel.
Each have fun title like The Rebel-Why not break tradition.

The girls love it. I do of course offer custom orders, but this has opened things up to higher dollar orders because each have extra bling, feather, ribbons, etc.

"An example of what I am putting in these corsages.
The Over Achiever is actually a serpentine corsage that starts on the finger accented with rhinestones. (Hence the Over Achiever.)
The Prom Queen is actually a Sceptor which states...Since Every Queen Needs Her Jewels, this piece includes lots of rhinestones and ribbons.
The Diva comes with feathers and lots of bling.

She also shares her strategy for networking with a dress store - we encourage everyone to create their own Prom All Stars. Here she shares the success of their Prom Fashion Show and also how they are working together to reward prom
couples who shop from both stores.

"Another thing I have done was team up with a local bridal shop and did the flowers for the prom fashion show. I got the flower order for every model (10 of them) that was there plus I assume I will get some of their friends. I figure that's 10 more than I had and most of the pieces were done in silk so I can use them for display. The bridal shop and I are offering a free bout when ordering your dress and flowers from both of us. She is paying me for part of the bout expense."

One important thing to remember about Prom All Stars - all of the companies who provide Prom Services like you do are also sitting in their store thinking of ways they can grow their business. I am sure you can make some dynamic teams together.

Until next time....

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Getting Attention for your shop

Yesterday, on Flower Chat, the topic of brainstorming on how to get students attention to your shop during prom season.

I think it is a good question to be asking, going back to our earlier comments on creating a plan, this is one key element for your plan.

Below, let me share with you some of the brainstorming ideas that came up:

Feel free to use some of them to help draw attention to your store.

Have a prom party in your store.

Do you have Prom Ambassadors - students from the school passing out your cards in exchange for some type of reward?

What is on your sign outside?

Have you contacted the school about going to the school to go and pre sell corsages. If your school does not allow businesses - have you contacted at least one group in the school about having a joint fund raiser event?

Have you contacted other people who are impacted by prom but you don't compete with - we call these Prom All Stars, companies that deal in Limos, tux, dress, tanning, nails, hair etc Remember, they are likely to have the same need you have about bringing in more clients.

Pre order discount.

Buy corsage, get bout for free?

Free long stem rose for the girls mom for every corsage order they book with you

Contact the school and provide corsages for faculty and some girls to wear during the day showing off you work?

Girls moms - give them cards to pass out for you.

Do you have a display in your store for them to see your work?

Pick a day and have a limo parked out front to draw attention.

Put up a display in the school.

Here is one someone shared with me - the put up a display in the school and put an Acolyte in the display - the sign said - 10% off any prom order as long as this light is still lit. This really drew a lot of orders and they rushed to get them in.

Can you get an announcement during the morning announcements at the school?

Every 10th corsage is free, maybe not 10th, but some number, you have to make sure this on your sign.

Take out an ad in the school newspaper

Someone outside waving a sign that says NOW taking prom orders.

Free carnation for every prom order placed today.

Does an INTERNET coupon make sense?

Have your staff, friends and family bring in their prom photos, create the prom hall of fame for people to come see

Do you have an incentive for your sales team?

Myspace, facebook - do you have them?

Saturday, March 14, 2009

New Trends

Here is a unique new trend I am seeing this prom season - it is more interest in the "business" of prom, not just the pretty part, but the marketing, selling, display and new strategies of turning prom more into a season than just a day.

Every day I talk to florists who are sharing their ideas of what they want to do for this upcoming prom. This generally begins a conversation of sharing - their ideas and our ideas. I have to tell you this is really the fun part of the season for me. After this type of a sharing conversation, this is the kind of thing that really gets me pumped. I really enjoy learning new ideas, and I can hear the excitement in the florists voice when we share our unique ideas.

On March 25th, I will be doing a very unique workshop in Columbus - this is a business only workshop - no design, only marketing, selling, planning and preparation. It is for owners and managers only. This is an idea I had last year, but no one took us up on it. This year we are seeing a real hunger on information about how to be, make and have a successful prom season.

If you have any questions along these lines, give me(us) a call or drop us a line and we will be happy to share. Some of this information is on the website under the support marketing tab.

Trend, by definition, is what is going on now and in most cases it is something new. Let me share a couple that are really getting attention.

This first one has to do with communicating where your customer lives. At prom time we are talking about living in the world of the 16 year old. Two aspects to this - living in their world and also having them to become "moving billboards" for you.

Here is the first tip - instead of calling the boy or the girl to let them know their prom flowers are ready - TEXT them - yes really - text them and attach a picture of the corsage with the text at the same time. This is the world today's students live in - they text long before they call. Then here is what will happen when they get the text - they will immediately begin showing everyone around them - "here, look at my prom flowers" - step 1 to a moving billboard. The next thing that is possible, is that they download it to their myspace and facebook page. Again, you have created moving billboards. Here is another way to think about - what would you have to do to get an extra 50 people to look at your website in one day? Here is an easy way to get 50 extra people to look at your work - have a girl post it on her myspace and face book page. Let them becoming your moving billboards.

The second tip is a little more unique - we call it Signature Corsages - When we share this idea, the florists love it. Take a few minutes a create a small group of signature corsage - stretch your design and most of all stretch your price point. Your not going to sell a lot of these, but you will have planned out for those few girls who are really looking for something different and unique. Then, give them special names, or "signatures" Some examples, name them after different flowers, fun destinations, glamorous cities, fancy Las Vegas hotels, high end cars, etc.

Here is one key point that every florist gets when I share this with them - you will never sell a $100 corsage, until you make one and you know what one would look like.

So now, have some fun with these new trends, try them, I bet you will find they will become a part of your new routine.

Until next time.......

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Waiting to the last minute?

I am asked pretty much every day "What do you see as the trend?" Most times is about something specific like dresses or colors. Today's question was "do you think the trend is to wait to the last minute to buy?"

While I do see this happening in lots of places, I don't see it so often when it comes to prom items. As a matter of fact, we saw a lot of early buying in February. One of the real keys is to set a goal for your prom season and then to create a plan to guide you to reach that goal.

We have been encouraging florist to make their bracelet selections early, get their inventory, or get their samples ready and priced.

I don't think the girls will be waiting to last minute to get their corsages. Here is an interesting perspective that was shared with me by one florist. She commented that if she waited until right before prom to get the corsages, then she would only get the leftovers, all the money would be spent on the other things they are buying for prom. If the flowers are already ordered and they have to skimp back on something it is not likely to be the flowers.

Here is an idea for you - Have you been to the Support/Marketing tab of our website? Go there, then scroll all the way down to the bottom and you will see our really neat "Prom Checklist"

This is so easy, the only you have to do is to enter the date of your schools prom, and the checklist will fill in all the details for you. When you should contact the school, when should you make your Fitz selections, etc - it is all there for you in one place.

Take a minute, set a goal, make a plan and begin to execute it.

It amazes me every prom season the amount of extra money people spend when they need us to overnight their order to them, because they waited until the last minute.

Be prepared, and I would suggest, you DON'T wait for the last minute.

Until next time......

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Design Shows

Do me a favor, If your local wholesaler is having a design show in your area, go and see it. As I visit with florists around the country there are two things they are constantly telling me: "I wish I had more inspiration" and "I wish there was more on going education".

I think local design shows do both of these. While I think we can all come up with reasons not to attend on our own, let me mention some reason to attend.

New ideas and inspiration - As you know, in our industry, 2 people can look at a bucket of flowers and create 20 different arrangements that share 20 different styles and looks. Go see someone else, look at what they are showing, what do they see as the hot products across the country.

Pick up a couple of key points that the designer will share and find a way to put them to work for you. Not everything you will see Will work in your store, but I am sure there are some that will provide value for you and your clients.

In today's market, many of the tips you will hear from the stage, are going to be about saving money, producing more profits and make your money go farther.

For those who are looking for additional education, look no farther than the closest design show. Whether you are looking for a new technique, a new tip or a new trick, you are certain to learn plenty at the shows in your area.

So whether it is an out of town favorite, or someone local who is willing to share, be sure to go and check out the next design show in your area, and if you are in the area where we are doing shows and classes, please be sure to come and see what we have to offer

Until next time....

Monday, March 9, 2009


Today it dawned on me that I should take a minute to share about HOPE.

There is a common thread I am hearing from people today "tell the news to stop constantly talking about how bad it is!" and I agree, so I am not going to.

We specialize in Prom and Wedding most of all and with prom season right on top of us, let's look for our opportunities.

Prom for most young ladies is something they have dreamed about for years, they can describe it in detail to you what their prom is going to look like. Even more than that, they can tell you what their Prom is going to feel like. They have shared this vision with everyone who will listen, and now you get to be a part of it.

As we worry about the economy, let's take a minute to look at the smile and happiness of that young lady as she gets ready for her Prom. Let's look at her optimism and let it flow over to us. Let's be happy we are a part of the experience.

I don't see young couples giving up on prom in 2009, which means they will be coming to see you. There are hundreds of couple who will need beautiful flowers to make their adventure complete.

Let's look forward to Prom this year and there are a lot of benefits
1. Most orders are picked up
2. Most pay with cash or credit card
3. These are your future clients
4. You can have fun with it.

Remember this prom season brings us a season of HOPE

Until next time.......

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Tip # 2

Yesterday's post talked about Creating a Plan for successful Proms -

Today, let's talk about tip #2 - Create a Display -

Take a few minutes and find an area in your store to set up a Prom only display.

This will also help you with your network marketing.

When customers come to your store, the same routine happens over and over, so let's be prepared for it.

The customer comes in and we ask "Can I help you" and they respond "No thanks, just looking" So since we know that, let's give them something to look at - our PROM DISPLAY!

Some ideas are to have a tuxedo and prom dress decorating this area. Ask your local tux shop and dress store to provide one for you and be sure to recognize them in this area.

Then do you have all of your materials out where they can shop them?

Do you have a display with each of your Fitz Bracelets?

How about your prom or new ribbons?

And of course, don't forget the BLING! Got to have the BLING!

Do you have samples of your most creative designs?

What do you have them for them to look at and show off you skill and talent?

After they have had time to look, touch, and dream, they will be ready for you to help them make their prom dreams come true.

Take a few minutes, look at your shop, find that spot that is not producing what you want it to and turn it into your own Prom Boutique.

Until next time ........

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Welcome to our first blog here at Fitz Design. One comment I want to make first is it is our goal that this blog is interactive - yes that means you participate also. We want to hear from you,
your thoughts
your ideas
your suggestions
your design ideas
Well, I think you get the point.

Now that prom season is beginning to get started, we are focused on creating success. We have spent a lot of time visiting with florists across the country and assembled some great marketing and sales tips.

Over the next few days I will start listing some of them here.

So let's start with the first one - Do you have a plan?
Do you know how many corsages you sell?
What is your average selling price?
Do you have a training plan for your staff?
How many corsages do you want to sell?
What do you want your average sale to be?

Planning is the key to everything. I often comment, there is a real difference between a plan and a goal.

The goal comes first, what would like it to be? Is it an increase in sales? profits? customers?

Then now that you have your goal, what are the steps you need to take to make it happen. Remember, no one thing is going to cause you to hit your goal. It will need to be a plan that is has a number of elements to it.

Just like building a house - you want windows, walls, floors and don't forget the ceiling.

Make your prom plan as detailed. Look at all the little things you can do that contribute to your goal.

Then, keep coming back and checking with us about new ideas that will help you continue to be successful in your prom season.

Until next time..................


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Welcome to the Creations by Fitz Design blog. Soon we will be updating this blog with news and events. Hope you enjoy.