Thursday, April 16, 2009

Anticipation or Success

For some prom is already finished. For a large part of the country it is still anticipation!
For those who have finished, what lessons did you learn? What goals did you accomplish?
What will you differently next year? How will you market differently?

For those who it is still anticipation? Are you keeping an eye on your goal? Are the pieces of your plan working for you? Do you need to change some parts of your plan?

It is still not to late to get involved with the schools. We had a school call us today about a prom show tomorrow. Good thing we were able to call on a florist in the area, and get them to be able to attend. The dress and tuxedo companies continue to have fashion shows in the schools and this is an ideal place for the florist to get your beautiful designs seen.

Whether your finished or you are still anticipating, share with us your stories, success, and even your frustrations, as a group, we may be able to help out.

And, we always like hearing the success of those around. Don't be shy, take few minutes to share.

Until next time.....

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Don't let it get by you - Do it today

I have two quick comments this morning.

First I want to thank Lou Cook, Bill Plummer from the Arakansas State Floral Association for inviting me to come and share our marketing ideas with their members this past weekend.

They had a great, friendly crowd and the details of our marketing/sales and display information was very well received.

Also, I would like to thank Jack Gaston, the owner of Southern Wholesale in Little Rock, where the class was held for hosting the event. A great place with lots of product and I think all of the members appreciate his support of the organization.

So, now on to the second point, Prom is fast approaching for many of you. Have you taken the time to get ready. If not, make a pledge to yourself to - do it today.

Have you gone and got the prom magazines for your store?

Have you set up your display?

Have you trained your staff - very, very important.

Have you reviewed your pricing from last year to make sure you are up to date?

Have you created new ideas for 2009 that are new, creative and fresh?

Have you contacted the high school to create a fund raiser as a way to make your shop a destination for the students?

I don't want this list to get to be very long, becuase I really do want you to "do it today!" if you have not already done it.

Until next time.....

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Don't forget to be where the customer (girl) is!

Often, as adults, we forget that our customer for prom is the young lady and not someone our own age.

So, let me ask you, do you communicate and shop the way today's teen age girl does?

Have you been to the mall to look at dresses?

How about the tuxedo store?

Young adult jewelry stores?

Remember, are you in the places they are looking for you at?

Do you have a My Space page? How about a Face Book page? Do you have a spot on

Today's young people are attached to their cell phones more than anything. They can do more things with a cell phone than I can do with a complete tool box.

When it is time to let them know that their corsage is ready, don't call them, TEXT them, that is what they are used to. Also, I would suggest sending a photo of the corsage with the text. That is the kind of idea that is likely to get your corsage put on to their facebook page. Or they may forward it on to all of their friends to show off the special corsage you made for them.

Think about having the youngest person in your store, to be your designated prom sales person. Again, connect with the girl where they live.

I hope this tip helps.

Until next time .....