Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Be Cool

Everyday we hear the same success story from florists across the country. The way to a profitable prom season is to have the “cool” stuff which is both trendy and fashionable. Girls spend months on picking out the right dress, now they want the perfect fashion accessory to go with it. In short, they want their corsage to be as cool as their dress. Many florists that are succeeding at prom are succeeding by having the “cool stuff.” Kids talk, and talk a lot to each other. When one girl sees something really cool at a florist shop she tells her friends. Who tell their friends. Who tell their friends, etc. Before long, the florists offering the “cool stuff” are seeing kids come from all over the county just to get the fun prom flowers.They can tell the difference between the “cool stuff” and the traditional. Most of the time we are finding they are willing to spend their money on anything that helps them stand out and be cool at the prom. Be sure to capture all those sales dollars for your store. Stay cool... Until next time...


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