New Money for Florists - Have You Found It?
In effort to better understand the needs of our customers, we here at Fitz have been spending more time on the florists forums on Facebook. There is one common thread that keeps reappearing. Florists from all over the USA are asking “How can I get more business?” One answer is to change how you approach your prom business.
Prom flowers are not new - but prom flowers as a FASHION ACCESSORY including
floral jewelry is new money for florists. This is an area that has exploded in the past 4
years. But we still have a long way to go. Did you know that we are only at a 9% market
share? We know when it comes to prom jewelry, there is an unlimited amount of NEW business for you. With only 9 girls out of 100 wearing a Fitz item, you have a new customer base to grow with that is 91 of every 100 corsages sold in the US. Jewelry can be sold for more than the traditional bracelet and then in turn, this will help you increase your sales.
You can very quickly increase your overall business revenue for the year just by treating prom flowers as a fashion accessory instead of a simple wrist corsage. Offer corsage bracelets and floral jewelry accessories and watch your prom business skyrocket because YOU are the florist with the “cool stuff.”
Prom flowers are not new - but prom flowers as a FASHION ACCESSORY including
floral jewelry is new money for florists. This is an area that has exploded in the past 4
years. But we still have a long way to go. Did you know that we are only at a 9% market
share? We know when it comes to prom jewelry, there is an unlimited amount of NEW business for you. With only 9 girls out of 100 wearing a Fitz item, you have a new customer base to grow with that is 91 of every 100 corsages sold in the US. Jewelry can be sold for more than the traditional bracelet and then in turn, this will help you increase your sales.
You can very quickly increase your overall business revenue for the year just by treating prom flowers as a fashion accessory instead of a simple wrist corsage. Offer corsage bracelets and floral jewelry accessories and watch your prom business skyrocket because YOU are the florist with the “cool stuff.”
Labels: prom, prom flowers
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